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Building an RF Noise Generator with MARC

posted 2015-06-12 at 02:14:

The Michiana Amateur Radio Club got together in my shop and built some RF noise generators.

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Building a Homebrew Dow-Key

posted 2013-09-23 at 03:36:

I used new, new old stock, and salvaged parts to build a dow-key relay for a vintage station.

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Fixing the Muting on a Drake 2-B

posted 2013-06-03 at 05:09:

I had some adventures fixing the muting circuit on a Drake 2-B receiver, and ultimately solved the problem with a simple tube swap.

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Simple Fixes for an RCA Volt-Ohmyst VTVM

posted 2013-03-04 at 05:18:

I had the good fortune to come across an apparently nice, but non-working, VTVM for a good price at a recent local hamfest, and upon bringing it home I found that it was satisfyingly easy to get working, making for a nice evening project.

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A Junk Box Hi-Z to 8 Ω Audio Adapter

posted 2012-04-22 at 19:07:

I had occasion to connect a modern communications speaker to a vintage receiver, so I rummaged through the junk box and slapped together an impedance adapter.

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