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Lost Bits – Retrocomputing and computing history

posted 2024-07-07 at 01:54:

I recently spun up Lost Bits, a site about computing history and retrocomputing projects, hardware, and software. It's early days yet and I have not yet produced substantial content there, but there's a big project reveal in the works.

Judging by the radio content here, it's not going to get as much of my time as I wish it did, but still, the content should be fairly timeless!

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Datapulse Model 101 manual

posted 2018-02-17 at 04:20:

I recently came into a manual for the Datapulse Model 101 pulse generator, which as best I can tell is not available online. I have scanned it, and a copy is available here:

Datapulse Model 101 Pulse Generator Manual

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Videos on YouTube

posted 2017-01-08 at 17:02:

I've been putting some radio-related videos on my YouTube channel, for those who are interested.

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New station info for my Teletype Model 28 KSR

posted 2016-08-13 at 13:26:

I've documented some facts and information about the Teletype Model 28 KSR that I recently added to my station. Hopefully some of you will find it interesting!

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Building an RF Noise Generator with MARC

posted 2015-06-12 at 02:14:

The Michiana Amateur Radio Club got together in my shop and built some RF noise generators.

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