In a discussion with an academic colleague of mine, the topic of
references (in the sense of citations) came up. I’m always
nit-picky about references and reference formatting, and I get
cranky about bad references — particularly when a publication
is under the gun to make a deadline. I haven’t always been;
in fact, I’m quite sure I was a burden to my thesis advisor in
this department on several occasions. My colleague asked why I care
so much “on an initial submission” (as in a submission
for review, rather than a camera-ready copy). I hadn’t really
expressed my reasoning before, but I did, and here it is again.
It’s about professionalism and attention to detail. While
every part of every publication should be correct, complete, and
properly laid out, some parts are more important than others. Those
parts are the parts that people who want to know what your work is
about, and get a feel for whether they should care, are most likely
to look at. That is: the abstract, introduction, conclusions, and
references. Those four parts of any publication are going to be
visited by more eyeballs than all of the painstaking work you
presented in the parts in between. Those are also the parts that a
reviewer is going to glance over first, before setting in her mind
what she expects out of your paper and starting a serious review.
It’s important to make a good first impression.
I don’t have any numbers (although I’d be surprised if
they aren’t available for at least some fields), but I am
thoroughly convinced that typos, errors of grammar, and formatting
faux pas in the introduction of a paper are a quicker route to the
chopping block than minor technical errors in the meat of the paper.
They raise in the mind of the reviewer an image of a scientist who
just didn’t care enough about his work to pay attention to the
details of presentation. Typos and errors in the references
aren’t quite as bad, but they’re right up there. In
particular, a typo or error in a citation for a paper written by
the reviewer could be quite the blunder.
I don’t get too fussy about citation styles. Various
journals, conferences, professional societies, and whoever else
specifies such things have different preferences for what each
citation should look like. What I do get fussy about is internal
consistency. If you use last names but first initials on some of
your references and full first names on others, it looks sloppy.
Same if you abbreviate venues aggressively in some entries and not
others, or include conference location for only certain venues.
This is not to even get started on authors with names like
“Märten”. That sort of copy-and-paste
error is simply an abomination.
So … check your references. Don’t just check them to
make sure they represent what you want to cite, as the saying
is usually used, check them to make sure they look good, are
consistent, and are typographically correct. I can’t promise
it will lead to greater paper acceptance rates, but I can promise
that there are people who will notice and appreciate it, and say to
themselves, “She really has her ducks in a row.”
We just got back from a few weeks in Europe. On our way out of the
country, we were detained for additional screening at
the TSA[1] security checkpoint
at JFK. In
the process, we left behind our laptops. This is the story of how
it happened, where the process failed, and how we (ultimately) got
them back.
Our flight itinerary took us through JFK and then overseas, but our
final domestic leg on the way to JFK was greatly delayed due to some
problem “on the ground” at JFK that prevented us from
taking off at the origin. We never heard exactly what the problem
is, and it doesn’t matter. This delay caused us to miss our
overseas flight, but we were reserved seats on another flight the
same day to the same destination. Unfortunately, as we have often
encountered in the past, our reservations (which were a codeshare on
a different airline) were not processed correctly, and it took over
an hour to get our boarding passes straightened out. This left us
passing through the TSA security checkpoint approximately one hour
before our scheduled departure. International flights can (but
seldom do) close their doors long before scheduled takeoff, so this
was tighter than we were comfortable with.
As our bags went through the security scanner, a TSA agent held up
my daughter’s diaper bag and asked whose bag it was. I replied that
it was mine, and she asked me to step aside with her. They had
decided that a small sippy cup with some milk in it was clearly
dangerous contraband, and possibly explosive, and that it needed to
be examined carefully. (I know this is standard procedure, but it
doesn’t make it any less ridiculous. As if liquids are
somehow magically more dangerous than solids.) Unfortunately, the
chemical sniffer was out of test strips, so she had to depart the
station to find one. This didn’t take very long, but it did take a
couple of minutes. She returned, sniffed the milk, ascertained that
it was in fact a child’s milk (or at least not an explosive
compound), and allowed us to proceed.
This was annoying and stupid, but not really a huge problem in the
big scheme of things — Delta’s
bungling of our ticket transfer was a lot worse — except that
in the hassle and confusion of being pulled aside, we grabbed all of
our bags and possessions except our laptops, which had been
stupidly removed from our bags in yet another aspect of the useless
security theater put on by the TSA
(examples here,
and of
course here,
and those are just the first four I found in a quick search).
No one attempted to find us, no announcements were made of left
baggage at the TSA checkpoint, nothing. We simply boarded our plane
and flew away for three weeks, unknowing of the fact that we had
left our laptops — and our data — in the hands of the
TSA. To be fair, identifying us specifically from the
laptops would have been difficult, as they are not externally
marked; Marina’s laptop does, however, have her name visible on the
login screen when it boots. They could have at least tried.
I contacted the TSA at my earliest opportunity from overseas, when
we found the laptops missing and figured out what must have
happened. The only contact point they give is a phone number, which
is very inconvenient for international travelers. It does,
at least, give an email address in its answering message, before it
drops you to a voice mail box with no opportunity to ever speak to a
human being. I sent an email to that email address immediately
(rather than paying through the nose to leave a message on the cell
phone from which I was calling) describing our laptops and asking
what I should do to get them back.
I got no reply in the next day, even accounting for time zone
differences. So I called back (by this time I’d established a way
to call that only cost me about 25 cents per minute) and left
essentially the same information with both my email address and a
callback number with voicemail that I could check online. Again, no
reply for a day or more. I emailed again, a shorter message with
little more than contact information and a brief description of the
laptops (in case the TSA agent at the other end just didn’t have the
patience and/or literacy to read through my detailed description
from before). No reply to that, either. So I called again, and
left a very terse and somewhat annoyed message. About a day after
that, I got a reply to my second email.
The reply to my second email showed that nobody had read my first
email (or at least, not connected the two), because it asked for
some of the information from that email. Essentially, they said
that they had some items that might be the property I was
describing, but that I would have to give them identifying
information for the lost laptops so that they could verify. At
that point, and only at that point, would they let me know what
my options were. Fortunately I was able to determine uniquely
identifying information for both machines, and after another
annoying delay the TSA confirmed that they had my laptops in their
possession and that I might be able to actually get them back. More
than a week had gone by, so sending them to catch up with us was no
longer reasonable, but sending them home looked plausible.
For other people who might be in this position, the process for
getting lost items back from the TSA (at least, from the TSA
screening areas at JFK, which may not be consistent across airports)
is as follows:
Identify your property by general description and specific
identifying information (such as serial number, property tag,
information visible at boot time, account
password[2], etc.) in an email or
voicemail to the TSA.
Once you receive confirmation that your item(s) have been found
(along with some sort of property tracking numbers), create a
account with a nine-digit account number. The TSA requests that
you verify that this account number can be used to purchase
shipping supplies, but I really couldn’t get anything but
useless form responses from FedEx about this — and then it
worked when they did it.
Send the FedEx account number along with a shipping address to
the TSA, including the property numbers you received and some
shipping instructions (such as whether to send overnight, three
day, etc.).
Wait and pray.
Creating a FedEx account from overseas and configuring payment
methods was a real pain; I assume this is because they assume fraud,
which I appreciate, but still. There appeared to be no way to prove
legitimacy, setting up payment information simply failed with no
explanation. The reason I believe overseas connectivity was the
problem is that I was able to set up an account using an SSH tunnel
back to a VPS in the US as a proxy. (If you don’t know
about ssh -D <port>, look it up
now.) With that in hand, I completed the list above. The TSA never
contacted me again to let me know that my laptops were shipped, or
even to confirm that both items had been identified. I had reason
to believe they had shipped only because I received notification
from FedEx that an item had been shipped on my account.
If we fast forward a couple of weeks, we get to receipt of the
laptops. When I received them, they were ludicrously
poorly packed. The two laptops were individually wrapped
(reasonably well, fortunately, for this is the only thing they did
right) in bubble wrap, and then very loosely (by very loosely, I
mean such that they could be separated by about 12") bound
together with bubble wrap and packing tape ... and dropped in a box
that could have held literally six or eight such bundles, and
enclosed a volume of ten or more.
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a more irresponsible or
poorer packing job, and certainly not from anyone who should be
handling their packing professionally. If there’s any clearer
sign of the incompetence and general lack of professionalism at the
TSA, I don’t know what it might be — unless it’s
reducing elderly, minor, or infirm passengers to tears with invasive
and demeaning “security” procedures, of course.
Now that the story of what happened and how it was mishandled is out
of the way, let’s move on to what can be learned from this.
Some of it is obvious, and even things I already knew (or should
have known).
Protect your data. This seems obvious, but I
know that many people don’t follow it. Both the operating
system and my data are encrypted on my laptop. Unfortunately,
the entire chain of bootup can’t be completely trusted,
because a) I have no way to trust the BIOS,
and b) the boot partition must be unencrypted (though,
once booted, preferably from external media, I can verify that
it is unchanged via my package manager), but at least I can have
some reasonable assurance that my data was not stolen.
Mark your property, and retain serial numbers.
I was able to get my laptop back only because I
just happened to have one of the uniquely identifying
items on its serial number plate. I don’t have that for
most of my other electronics. I plan to get property tags of
some sort for large and expensive items. I know several people
who do so, and it now seems prudent. I keep serial numbers for
all sorts of things for insurance purposes, but it honestly
hadn’t occurred to me to keep them for travel purposes. I
don’t know why not.
Carry duplicates of important data in separate
luggage. I had carefully copied a fair amount of data
that I knew I was going to need abroad to my laptop before
departing ... which did me zero good when it was left behind in
the US. I should have had an extra copy on a USB drive or
similar medium, possibly checked in my luggage (and encrypted,
of course). As it is, I wasted a fair amount of time dragging
several hundred MB or more of data across the Atlantic and
through a poor cellular connection.
Bring a second computing environment with you.
I don’t mean another laptop (that would have been lost,
too), but something like a live USB disk. When you get where
you’re going, it’s entirely possible that
you’re going to find yourself in a primitive and
unhospitable land with no access to anything but (for example)
Windows. I spent another large chunk of time creating an
environment in which I could work without reinstalling a
borrowed machine. Checking a cheap (and therefore reasonable to
subject to the vagaries of airline baggage handlers) machine
such as a Chromebook or older netbook might be a reasonable
solution, as well. For my own part, I plan to customize an
Ubuntu live USB and put it in a different carry-on from my
So when all is said and done, I have my computer back, my data is
intact and safe, and all I’m out is a few hours of backing up
and restoring. I was due for release upgrade, anyway. One could
claim that the above criticisms are first world whining, but I
strongly disagree. If my laptop had been randomly lost in an
airport somewhere because I set it down, then I would consider the
successful recovery a lucky victory. The fact that the only reason
it was out of my bag was for flawed and ineffective security
theater, and that the only reason I left it behind was that I was
pulled aside for additional theater, changes the equation. Instead
of an unhappy accident with a happy ending, we arrive at an
unacceptable travel interruption and onerous burden of loss with a
bungled response.
1 As a commentary on their
general cluelessness and incompetence, the TSA web site is not
available via https. What?
2 For serious. They
offered to identify my machine by logging into my account using
my account password. Yeah, right.
I have a BaratzaMaestro
Plushigh quality
consumer-grade coffee grinder for
press/drip/pourover/etc. preparation that, as best I
can figure, I've had for somewhere between seven and ten years. A
couple of weeks ago it suffered a catastrophic failure due to
violence not of its own making. Much to my surprise, not only was
it readily repairable, but Baratza appears to go out of their way to
make this a simple and pleasant activity. That sort of attitude is
sufficiently rare these days that I thought it was worth a mention.
A Quick Review
The BaratzaMaestro Plus is a now-discontinued
conical burr coffee grinder targeted at
enthusiasts who primarily brew coffee via one of the methods
typically employing a coarser grind, such as pourover or
press. When it was released it cost somewhere just under the
$200 point (depending), and represented one of Baratza's more
entry-level offerings. As mentioned, it is now discontinued and has
been replaced with either
the Encore
the Virtuoso,
depending on your viewpoint and preferences. (In my opinion, it
fell somewhere between these grinders, and compares more fairly with
the Virtuoso, which is targeted at a somewhat higher price point.)
Within its grind range it has a fairly flexible selection of grind
size, but it doesn't get quite fine enough for espresso or Turkish
with the kind of precision and grind consistency those methods ask
for. I've used it for Turkish when I didn't wish to incur the
tedium of a mortar and pestle, and it answers, but it's certainly
not ideal.
It has a number of touches that cement its enthusiast-class
reputation, such as a nice heavy cast metal weight in the base to
give it stability (particularly for using the momentary push button
grind trigger) and reasonably consistent burrs that produce a grind
that, while it has some size variation, is a wide cut above the
typical department store burr grinders. It also has some annoying
misfeatures, such as a timer knob that falls off of its shaft with
regularity. (A touch of silicone cement seems to have cured that
particular ill for me, while still allowing the knob to be removed.)
It is reasonably easy to clean and looks decent on the counter. The
quantity of ground coffee trapped in the ejection chute between
grinds is fairly moderate, which I understand can be a failing on
some grinders in this class.
The failure
My particular Maestro Plus failed through no fault of its own
— a small pebble managed to make its way through winnowing,
roasting, and winnowing, and then into the grinder for my morning
brew. (I blame this on roasting first thing in the morning, when
I'm not at my most alert!) It wedged itself thoroughly
between the stationary and moving burrs, and (as I found out when I
disassembled the grinder) caused a metal pinion on the motor shaft
to shear the teeth off a small section of the plastic reduction gear
on the burr shaft. When I say it was thoroughly wedged, I mean
that it was thoroughly wedged. I had to use more force than I was
comfortable with to get it broken up so that I could pry it out from
between the burrs for disassembly.
The immediate symptom of the failure was that the moving burr did
not rotate reliably, and when it did, just a few beans between the
burrs would stop it (by catching it when the stripped portion of the
reduction gear was straddling the drive pinion). When it did
rotate, it made a horrible periodic clicking/crunching noise.
The fix, and excellent support
Upon this failure, I said to myself, “this grinder is pretty
old, let me see what's on the market.” I rapidly found out
that what is on the market is grinders that cost more than I want to
spend for dubious improvements (or not) over the Maestro Plus. I
didn't want to spend the money to really trade up, and it looked
like the closest to a sideways trade I could accomplish would have
the Virtuoso at somewhere north of two hundred dollars.
Being a fix-it-up kind of person, I decided at this point to see
what was wrong with the unit and whether I could coax it into
working. I quickly located the aforementioned pebble and removed
it, but found that the grinder was still not reliable (due to the
stripped gear that I had not yet seen). It was not immediately
obvious how to get the cover off without damaging the plastic, which
was disappointing to me — but when I did some searching I
rapidly found
that Baratza
actually has a detailed PDF explaining how to remove it! This
was surprising and gratifying.
I removed the case and immediately found the stripped gear, so I
headed back to Baratza and looked to see if I could find parts
... which I immediately
on their parts support page, another gratifying happening! Not
only do they have an extensive list of parts for both current and
discontinued models, but they have upgrade parts and very
reasonable prices. I ordered a gearbox rebuild and upgrade kit as
well as a stationary burr holder (which had been cracked for some
time, but never failed).
I want to take a moment here and throw in an aside, which is that
the engineering of this grinder is really excellent where it
matters. The motor, gear train, rotating, and stationary burr are
all mounted together to a stiff plate (metal in the original version
I had, and some sort of filled plastic with stiffening ridges in the
rebuild) that forms the working part of the grinder and is really
just mounted in the case for convenience and stability on your
countertop. This entire assembly is rubber mounted in the
chassis via little brass-and-rubber bushing assemblies. The chassis
also contains the controller board (which I did not examine closely,
but appeared to be mostly passives and a discrete bridge rectifier,
possibly just a DC power supply), a safety lockout micro switch that
prevents the grinder from operating when the hopper is not
installed, and a mechanical timer and the momentary trigger. Wiring
between the various components uses push-on blades. I see no reason
this design shouldn't last forever.
In just a few days (I think I ordered on a Sunday and received the
parts on a Thursday; I opted not to pay for express shipping) I
received the replacement parts for a grand total of about $22.
Using some really excellent instructional PDFs from the Baratza
site, I was able to quickly install the redesigned gear assembly
(critically containing a replacement reduction gear!). At this
point I noticed that the rebuild kit was missing a couple of M5
Allen head cap screws that the instructions referenced. I called up
Baratza to find out exactly what they were supposed to be, and in
just a few minutes I had the answer: M5x12. The representative I
spoke to offered to send out replacement screws immediately, but I
opted to spend $0.66 at the local True Value Hardware instead, just
to get back in operation faster. I don't consider this a major
failure on the part of Baratza, because a) the missing parts were
cheap, b) they assisted me in locating replacements, and c) they
offered to make it right by sending out the missing parts
immediately and without question.
The reassembled grinder works admirably. The grind sizes are a bit
different on the numeric scale, so it took me a few tries to dial in
a grind, but the consistency and quality of grind are good. The new
gear train is quite a bit louder than the old gear train, but I seem
to remember that the old gear train was louder when it was new;
perhaps this one will wear in a bit and quiet down.
Closing remarks
All in all, I am very pleased with Baratza for producing a fine,
well-engineered product, and then standing behind it. Very
few companies in the 21st century can be bothered to provide parts
and repair information to the consumer, much less via the support
page on their web site with a simple shopping cart and order
process. Baratza's attention to customer service kept a serviceable
grinder out of the landfill for want of a $0.50 gear at a price that
is perfectly acceptable to me as a consumer (and only about 10% of
the price of a new grinder!) after nearly a decade of service. I
look forward to the next decade with this grinder — maybe I'll
put new burrs in it before then!
I've been using X11 for a couple of
decades now, through several brandings and incarnations of the X
server, but it's a sufficiently huge and complicated stack that
there's always room to learn something new. Today I had an
eye-straining contrast problem with an Intel i915 graphics chipset,
and learned a bit about the xrandr tool
that I hadn't known before — it can control color profiles and
I just installed an IOGEAR
HDMI KVM Switch on my primary
workstation, because I have a whole pile of PCs and PC-like devices
sitting here that I almost never need a console for, but when I do I
don't want to have to dig all around under the desk to get them
hooked up. This necessitated moving my primary workstation's video
output from DVI to HDMI; since it had a built-in HDMI port, I didn't
bother to buy a DVI-to-HDMI adapter for it, I just plugged it in and
went with it. When I first got everything set up, I didn't notice
any particular effects, and I used it for a while. After some time,
I started to notice that the display was too bright and washed out,
and that it was giving me eye fatigue. It looked like the backlight
was set too high.
Uh oh. When you spend a lot of time in front of a computer, decent
display quality is an absolute must. This situation wasn't
going to be acceptable. The first thing I did is hook up the old
DVI-D connection to make sure that it really was better — and
it was. The second thing to do was ...
I really had no idea. I had some vague idea that xrandr might be
able to let me set the backlight, but I'd never used it for that,
and the manual page said that the xrander
--backlight option was a software-only change, and wouldn't
affect the actual brightness of the monitor. It suggested xbacklight, which it turns out does not work
on this chipset/monitor/something.
So I did what any computer user worth his or her salt would do
— I asked Google. Which had no idea. (In point of fact, I
asked DuckDuckGo first, and
when it didn't know, then I asked Google, which didn't know
either.) This caused me to start to set about determining
whether the problem was the HDMI output itself, or something to do
with the KVM. A quick comparison of the four devices currently
hooked to the KVM input showed that:
My development workstation's DVI output was much better than its
HDMI output.
The Linux box on the second port didn't seem as washed out at
the console, but it didn't have working X11. The backlight
seemed tamer than port 1 or port 4 (coming up).
The Mac Mini on the third port seemed ... great. It was hard to
tell, because I had a difficult time finding a window with high
contrast and a dark background that wasn't faded,
semi-transparent, dancing, or otherwise behaving stupidly.
The Raspberry Pi on the
fourth port looked terrible. This shouldn't surprise anybody;
they're really designed to hook to a TV, for crying out
Being a somewhat inconclusive test, I decided that installing an X
server and my basic desktop config (I use
FVWM as my window manager and
as my terminal, so blasting a minimal configuration to a new machine
is copying one directory and one file) on the second Linux box was
going to be a good comparison, since its console looked better.
To make an already long story short(er), it turns out that the
second machine's Intel Haswell-based graphics chipset wasn't
supported in Debian
Wheezy. This led to more Googling, which turned up this gem
(which is unrelated to the Wheezy-Haswell problem, but solved my
original problem):
This magical command fixed the problem. The HDMI output looked just
like the DVI output! The i915 appears to support three values for
the Broadcast RGB parameter: "Automatic", "Full", and "Limited
16:2". Automatic for the DVI output defaults to Full, while
automatic for the HDMI output defaults to Limited 16:2. As best I
understand it, this is because many TV panels don't actually support
a full color space, so the graphics card can squash the colors into
a color space supported by those limited panels. On the HDMI output
it defaults to doing so, so that if you hook a TV up to the HDMI
port the colors will be usable. What had appeared to be a backlight
problem was really light leaking through not-quite-black pixels.
Credit cards play an interesting role in the security of our
finances — or they can, if used well. They insulate our money
from the institutions with which we do commerce, by placing the
issuer in between. The issuer typically makes relatively strong
guarantees about our liability in the event of misuse (often, in
practice, assuming the entire cost of a stolen card number in terms
of real dollars, if not time and effort), in return for shaving a
few percent off every purchase when the card is used. Nonetheless,
they are a handle into an individual's finances, however
indirect, and recently every party in the chain from consumer to
product has proven somewhat irresponsible with them. Consumers rack
up charges they cannot afford; retailers, processors, and issuers
lose transaction data and card numbers to employees and external
criminals; issuers extend credit in ludicrous amounts, etc.
Given the general environment of irresponsibility with credit card
data (Target, Neiman
Marcus, and Home
Depot being three retailers with recent very large
scale breaches, affecting a hundred million or more total
consumers), it appears that at least some retailers are taking
steps. Today I tried to return some merchandise to a JC
Penney home storewith the original
receipt, and was told that I could only take in-store credit
unless the credit card used on the purchase was physically present.
When I inquired as to why (since I haven't experienced this with a
receipt in hand in many years), the teller said that JC
Penney no longer stores credit card information after the
transaction! (Presumably they keep it for some time until the
transaction is actually cleared, and then purge it, but he was not
specific about this.) I was both surprised and gratified to hear
this, and it somewhat made up for the annoyance of being unable to
return the items (since they were purchased on my wife's card).
They could, of course, have returned my purchase price in cash, but
I do understand that they don't wish to lose the card spread and
fees in that manner.
I hope this is true, I think it's a good move if it is, and I hope
it represents the start of a trend. It may be convenient to be able
to walk into a store without a receipt and return an item based on
credit card history, but it's not good security. I've
certainly enjoyed that convenience in the past. I would give it up
without complaint if it meant I didn't have to do the new-card-dance
every couple of years due to a widespread data breach.